Distance travelled(mm): | |
Scale: | |
Start Time: | 0 |
Finish Time: | 0 |
Time taken (seconds): | 0 |
The speed is: | 0 mm/s |
which is: | 0 km/h |
which equates to: | 0 km/h |
or: | 0 mph |
0 mph
Average Time: 0 seconds
Average Speed: 0 Mph
Time taken | Speed |
You are set to get a warning before any data is deleted. (Especially useful for touch screens)
This tool is designed to allow you to easily measure the time it takes your models to travel a certain distance. The fundamental principle this tool is based on is that a model should take the same amount of time to cover its own length as a full scale prototype takes to cover it’s own length.
I haven't done much with this tool over the last few years (the last update being made in February 2020, just before COVID took hold). I've decided it's due some TLC so will be getting some, mainly visual, updates in the next few weeks.